AT4-2: Source and concentration processes of critical elements in the Earth ́s mantle, crust, and surface.
Conveners: Fernanda Álvarez-Amado, Universidad de Concepción. Martin Reich, Universidad de Chile. Santiago Tassara, Universidad de O’Higgins. Irene del Real, Universidad Austral de Chile. Gisella Palma-Lira, Universidad Mayor.
Description: Securing critical raw materials necessary for the global energy transition is one of the greatest challenges of the XXI century. Under this scenario, critical or strategic elements such as Li, Cu, REE, PGE, Co, and Ni, among others, are essential for the development of emerging green technologies, and their supply shortage threatens global decarbonization. A better understanding of the origin and geological enrichment processes of these elements in magmatic-hydrothermal systems, sedimentary basins, and surface environments provides relevant knowledge about their source and contributes to the development of more efficient exploration strategies. In this session, we welcome contributions focused on studying the origin, transport, and accumulation of critical elements in Earth systems. We particularly encourage studies that address concentration processes operating at different spatial and temporal scales, and their relationship with the flux and focusing of melts and fluids in different geological environments. Contributions that use and/or combine novel perspectives, such as geochemical and isotopic tracers, numerical models, and/or experimental methods are particularly welcomed to apply.