AT1-25: Geomorphological dynamics and landscape evolution at multiples scales of time and space.
Conveners: Tania Villaseñor, Universidad de O’Higgins. Violeta Tolorza, Universidad de La Frontera. María Pía Rodríguez, Universidad de Atacama. Gabriel Easton, Universidad de Chile. Germán Aguilar, Universidad de Chile. José Araos, Universidad Alberto Hurtado.
Description: In this session we invite contributions that discuss processes that shape the surface of the Earth and other planets at different scales of time and space. We welcome studies about the landforms and processes of erosion, transport and accumulation of sediment in various environments and their interactions with tectonic and climatic processes; studies on the characterization and evolution of the landscape, including the acquisition, processing and analysis of remote sensing datasets as well as numerical and analog modelling of the evolution of the planet’s surface under various scenarios; the study of geomorphological records related to past climates, including those generated by glacial and periglacial processes; and the study of geomorphological processes generated by modern allogenic factors such as anthropogenic activity, climate, hydrometeorological events, volcanic processes and seismicity, potentially including their effect on society and the environment.