AT5-2: Cascading Geological Hazards.
Conveners:Juan F. González Carrasco, Centro de Investigación para la Gestión Integrada del Riesgo de Desastres (CIGIDEN). Alejandra Serey Amador, Universidad de O’Higgins. Joaquín Cortés Aranda, Universidad de Concepción. Edilia Jaque Castillo, Universidad de Concepción.
Description: The general disciplinary vision about geological hazards gives a simplified response to the effects and damages of socio-natural disasters, however, the recent extreme dangerous events worldwide reveal a complex cascading interrelationship between them and other external factors, such as the global climate change. In this context, cascading geological hazards emerge as a novel scientific topic to understand and resolve more complex disaster scenarios, anticipating their temporal behavior, damage intensification, and propagation to influence larger areas.
The proposed session focuses on the multidisciplinary study of cascading sequences of extreme geological hazards, which include the generation of tsunamis by earthquakes, landslides, and volcanic eruptions; the remote activation of crustal faults and eruptive centers by subduction earthquakes; mass removal processes triggered by earthquakes, lahars, heavy rains, and changes in the soil associated with droughts and fires; among others. We encourage submission of abstracts covering cascading hazard characterization, deterministic and probabilistic hazard assessment, multi-hazard mapping, hazard escalation, and analysis of recent and historical case studies, among other topics.