AT5-6: Study and multiparametric monitoring of worldwide eruptive processes: progress in techniques and timescales analysis of volcanic systems.
Conveners: María Angélica Contreras, Gabriela Pedreros, Carlos Cardona, Gabriela Velásquez, Luis Franco, Loreto Córdova, Servicio Nacional e Geología y Minería. (SERNAGEOMIN) – Observatorio Volcanológico de los Andes del Sur. Franco Vera, Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN) -Unidad de Geología y Sistemas de Peligros Volcánicos. marí
Description: The study of eruptive behavior of active volcanoes plays a key role in future volcanic crisis management, in terms of monitoring as in volcanic hazards assessment. As technology advanced during the past decades, the development of new methodologies for volcanic studies and monitoring have been progressed, ranging from instrumental techniques, remote sensing, field data collection, data architecture to techniques traditionally employed. These methodologies support eruptive cycle models, supplementing the geological record information.
In this session, all contributions related to the study of active volcanoes systems that improve the understanding of historical and/or ongoing volcanic processes, from deep systems at reservoir level to distributions of surface products are invited. Research
based on instrumental techniques, multiparametric analyses or unpublished methodologies and models, that allow to identify precursory signals of volcanic unrest and better interpretation of volcanic processes are calling. Studies associated with disciplines such as seismology, geodesy, gas emission, remote sensing, artificial intelligence, use of unmanned aerial vehicle, application of petrological models, among others, are considered.