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AT 6-5: Geodiversity, Geological Heritage and Geoconservation.

Conveners:Manuel Schilling, Universidad Austral de Chile. Tomás Martínez, Universidade do Minho. María Jesús Bravo, Proyecto Geoparque Minero Litoral del Biobío. Romina Figueroa, Museo Paleontológico de Caldera y Proyecto Geoparque Atacama. Diego Partarrieu, Fundación INCIS, Ingeniería y Ciencias para la Sociedad. Manuel Arenas, Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería, SERNAGEOMIN. Felipe Fuentes, Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería, SERNAGEOMIN.

Description: Session to share national and international experiences related to the study of geodiversity and geological heritage, as well as initiatives dedicated to the geoconservation, understanding this as the practice of conserving, managing, and promoting knowledge of geodiversity and geological heritage. Also, are expected presentations of initiatives related to the outreach, promotion, interpretation and enhancement of geodiversity and geological heritage, especially through educational and tourist activities, and the establishments and development of geoparks. 

The communications can be related to: Identification, characterization and assessment of geological heritage and geodiversity; Integration of geodiversity in conservation policies, protected areas and territorial planning; Use of legal tools for the protection of geological heritage; Geological heritage as a tool for sustainable development, climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction; Creation and development of UNESCO Global Geoparks; Relationships between geodiversity, biodiversity and cultural heritage; Natural and human threats to geological heritage; Educational and touristic use of geodiversity and geological heritage. This session seeks to promote and strengthen networking and cooperation for the development of geoconservation in Chile.
