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AT 6-6: Geoethics: Experiences and case studies in Chile.

Conveners: Luisa Pinto Lincoñir, Universidad de Chile. Tania Villaseñor Jorquera, Universidad de O’Higgins. Hernán Bobadilla Rodríguez, Politécnico de Milán.


Description: The role of geoethics is to investigate and reflect upon the values ​​and principles that support appropriate human interactions with the earth system. Geoethics is multidisciplinary and its field of analysis and action is defined by the need to identify common values ​​based on geoscientific knowledge, which is essential to recognize our role in the sustainability of the human-Earth system. There are 4 domains of interaction: individual, interpersonal, social and environmental. These domains involve different degrees of responsibility and a series of values ​​for the achievement of ethical actions to achieve the ideals of justice, consciousness, and respect for the Earth (https:/ / 

This session welcomes contributions that highlight geoethical issues in terms of values ​​and principles in: (1) Dilemmas within the individual and/or interpersonal spheres of scientific and professional work; (2) Successful or unsuccessful cases, projects, studies, and activities with social or environmental impact in Chile (e.g., education, outreach, geoheritage, and geological risk management). Contributions accepted for this session will have the possibility of being included in the edition of a book on geoethics cases in Chile. This session is sponsored by the International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG).
