AT 6-7: Divulgation of Geosciences: diversifying access to knowledge.
Conveners: Natalia Astudillo L., Plan Comunicacional, SERNAGEOMIN. Pas Toledo R., Instituto para la Resiliencia ante Desastres, ITREND. Jeniffer Ascencio, Instagram: aprendiendo.paleo. Paula Zuloaga, Academia Estudiantil de Investigación Científica de la Universidad Mayor, AEIGUM. Camila Soto, INLAND, Amazing Geo Guide.
Description: Scientific divulgation corresponds to all activities that bring and interpret scientific knowledge to the general public, using simple, understandable, and easily accessible language. In divulgation, there are two communicative models, (1) the “democratic” model, which seeks to establish a more equal relation between a scientist and the public, and (2) the “deficit” model, which attempts to increase the scientific alphabetization of society. At the present time, the divulgation of the Earth Sciences has assumed an important role, as geoscience professionals have generated attractive initiatives aimed at target audiences in both digital and tangible formats, developing both communicative models.
During this session, papers related to the divulgation of geosciences will be presented, considering different perspectives, topics, and formats. There are more conventional formats (books, seminars, lectures, permanent and traveling exhibitions, websites, among others), emphasizing the advance of geosciences in social networks, which are associated with the expansion and massification of digital platforms; as well as initiatives that reflect the efforts of communicators to captive people interested in Earth Sciences, using non-traditional formats (painting, drawing, muralism, street art, sculpture, paleoart, storytelling, podcast, music and theater, among others), allowing the gradual incorporation of these contents in the collective unconscious.