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Communication of geological hazards and risks from interdiscipline and innovation How do the different actors contribute to the preparedness to reduce their impacts?

Conveners: Alfredo Esquivel, Instituto Milenio de Investigación en Riesgo Volcánico- CKELAR Volcanes.  Andrea Vásquez, School of Media and Communication, University of Leeds, Reino Unido. Juan González,  Centro de Investigación para la Gestión Integrada del Riesgo de Desastres (CIGIDEN). Matías Clunes, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Nicolás Mendoza, GeoImagen. Isabella Ciocca, Xterrae Geología. Virginia Toloza, Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería, SERNAGEOMIN.

Description: Chile is exposed to a variety of natural processes that imply hazards and risks to its inhabitants. To think of strategies to communicate Earth Sciences is key for the preparedness of the exposed population.

Socialization of geosciences is essential for the inhabitants to be aware of the geological hazards, as well as the risks involved. On the other hand, this communication brings closer authorities, decision-makers, and the scientific community, with the local wisdom and prior experiences of communities on natural hazards. Thus, encouraging educational experiences and communication about knowledge transference contributes to reducing the gap between scientists, authorities, and communities, allowing them to take assertive decisions, develop preparedness strategies, and in the end, protect lives.

This session invites works exploring different approaches to the problem, with educational and communicational strategies and skills, including, but not restricted to: arts and culture, social media, technology and innovation (such as videogames, creation of Apps, use of virtual reality to transfer knowledge to communities, among others), dissemination, different approaches of communication depending on the audience (such as migrant population, older adults, people with disabilities, indigenous, others), collective memory, training, among others.
